



Hi, I am newbie in python and facing some problem , my problem is that how to insert some fields in already existing string for example: suppose i have read one line from any file which contains:

line=Name Age Group Class Profession

now i have to insert 3rd Field(Group) 3 times more in the same line before Class field. it means output line should be:

output_line=Name Age Group Group Group Group Class Profession

i can retrieve 3rd field easily(using split method) but please let me know the easiest way of insertion in the string


Split the string into fields, add three times the 'Group' element and then join with spaces:

line = 'Name Age Group Class Profession'
fields = line.split()
fields[2:2] = [fields[2]] * 3
output_line = ' '.join(fields)
line='Name Age Group Class Profession'
arr = line.split()
for i in range(3):
    arr.insert(2, arr[2])
print(' '.join(arr))
Michał Niklas

There are several ways to do this:

One way is to use slicing:

>>> a="line=Name Age Group Class Profession"
>>> b=a.split()
>>> b[2:2]=[b[2]]*3
>>> b
['line=Name', 'Age', 'Group', 'Group', 'Group', 'Group', 'Class', 'Profession']
>>> a=" ".join(b)
>>> a
'line=Name Age Group Group Group Group Class Profession'

Another would be to use regular expressions:

>>> import re
>>> a=re.sub(r"(\S+\s+\S+\s+)(\S+\s+)(.*)", r"\1\2\2\2\2\3", a)
>>> a
'line=Name Age Group Group Group Group Class Profession'
Tim Pietzcker
+3  A: 

An important point that often bites new Python programmers but the other posters haven't made explicit is that strings in Python are immutable -- you can't ever modify them in place.

You need to retrain yourself when working with strings in Python so that instead of thinking, "How can I modify this string?" instead you're thinking "how can I create a new string that has some pieces from this one I've already gotten?"

+1 for mentioning the correct implementation.
+1 Same Applies for Java. :)