




Here is an example of some code I'm working on:

public interface FooMaker<T extends Enum<T> & FooType>
      public List<Foo<T>> getFoos(String bar);

Let's further assume there will be many different concrete implementations of FooMaker. So I wrote some code to utilize the FooMakers.

FooMaker<?> maker = Foos.getRandomMaker();
List<Foo<?>> fooList = maker.getFoos("bar");  //error here!

The second line of code causes the issue, eclipse tells me the code should be:

FooMaker<?> maker = Foos.getRandomMaker();
List<?> fooList = maker.getFoos("bar");

I'm having trouble understanding why the Foo declaration as the parameterized type in List has to go away to make the return type correct.

Any ideas?


Because you are declaring maker as FooMaker<?>. Why wouldn't you declare it as the type of AwesomeFooMaker if you know what specific T AwesomeFooMaker returns?

matt b
I'll edit my code a smidge. I actually won't know which FooMaker I'll be getting.
It doesn't really matter. By declaring the type parameter as `?` you are stating "I have no idea what type this will return` and the compiler essentially acts as if any method related to the type parameter is now `?`, even if it's `List<?>`. Couldn't you use `FooMaker<? extends FooType> maker`?
matt b
The interface's return type is List<Foo<T>>, with my declaration I'm saying it could be any type T. Even if I declare FooMaker<? extends FooType> maker, I still get a similar error. I'm trying to understand why the Foo parameterized type is being ignored.
+1  A: 


class Bar {}
class Baz {}

FooMaker<?> maker = new FooMaker<Bar>();
List<Foo<?>> fooList = maker.getFoos("bar");  //error here!
fooList.add(new Foo<Baz>());                  //cock-up here!
Tom Hawtin - tackline
I chose the other guy as answering the question because he included a way to work around my limitations, but I appreciate your input on why it doesn't work as I expected. +1
+1  A: 

Try this instead:

List<? extends Foo<? extends Enum<?>>> fooList = maker.getFoos("bar");

The problem is that if this has been allowed:

List<Foo<?>> fooList = maker.getFoos("bar");

Then by extension, you would've been able to get away with this as well:

Foo<?> foo1 = new Foo<String>();
Foo<?> foo2 = new Foo<Integer>();

Which would invalidate the generic contract of the returned list.

To prevent this, the java compiler forces the return type to be wildcard-based, meaning Foo can be used as a return-type (to pull elements out of the list) but you will not be able to add wildcard-based Foo types to your list.

Luke Hutteman
That makes perfect sense actually. The invalidation is where everything gets whack. Your suggestion works as advertised. Thanks for the help.