I have a program which when it runs it fills Temp folder with lots of .tmp files. This is causing C drive to fill up. I have been asked to investigate if it's possible to write a script in dos to delete temporary files on startup. I also wish to delay the program starting until all files are deleted. This would need to happen every time on start-up. It would be great if this could be installed via a flash drive. I would be grateful on any pointers on how this could be done
There are probably more sophisticated ways, but the good old fashioned del c:\Temp\*.*
should be a good start.
There's a list of all the options, here: http://www.computerhope.com/delhlp.htm You will probably want /F (delete read only), /S (sub-directories) and /Q (quiet)
I assume, the following row in c:\autoexec.bat file may help:
del c:\path\to\temp\files\*.tmp
The little batch I am using to delete my temporary files:
@echo off
rd %temp% /s /q
md %temp%
echo Temporary Files have been deleted!
%temp% is a path which always results in your current temporary folder. However note that there are more temporary file locations like C:\Windows\temp.
If you just want to delete TMP files, go with del C:\<MyPath>\*.tmp
Cheers for replies. This is what I'm using
cd \
cd "c:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\"
del *.tmp /f/s/q
echo All tmp files deleted.
This seems to do what I want it to do. Now I need it to do this everytime PC starts up. Is there a way to install this via flash drive? ie write a batch file with all commands, put on flash drive. double click .bat file, now installed and will run on startup? (Have a number of PCs which need same thing)