



How to get the character ± in a string?

+6  A: 

Put this into your string: \u00B1


Matt Ball
+12  A: 

Use Unicode: \u00B1:

System.out.println("Hello \u00B1 world");


Hello ± world
And if ever you don't know the Unicode code point for something, Google does. "unicode plus minus" -->
Alan Krueger
Thank you very much......Grodriguez
@Alan Krueger: Googling "unicode plus minus" is a silly advice. It ain't very useful when you don't know the name of the character you're looking at. Like this one, for example, how would you Google it? ' ҉'. That's when a cut/paste and Un*x commands like *hexdump* and *file* are useful ;) Now of course you can cut/paste that character in Google and you'll find out, but suggesting to search for such characters using text like "unicode plus minus" just doesn't make much sense.
@Webinator You can come up with counter-examples, but for someone who doesn't know where to look it's remarkably effective.
Alan Krueger

If you are on Linux system you can find hex codes for almost all the symbol using man pages iso_8859-1(7), iso_8859-10(7), iso_8859-13(7), iso_8859-14(7), iso_8859-15(7), iso_8859-16(7), iso_8859-2(7), iso_8859-3(7), iso_8859-4(7), iso_8859-5(7), iso_8859-6(7), iso_8859-7(7), iso_8859-8(7), iso_8859-9(7). There you will find that the hex code for ± is B1. There!! you have it now.

Amit S

(Prerequisite: source file must be properly encoded in utf8/utf16/unicode)

Nothing simpler than that:

string s = "±";

Note that java strings and identifiers are always encoded in utf16, so this is natively supported.

Since I can't always guarantee what happens to the source after it's been written, and file systems don't generally treat character encoding as a first-class attribute of the file, if it's outside Latin-1 I typically use a Unicode escape. It seems safer that way.
Alan Krueger
Prerequisite? You can specify the encoding with javac? `javac -encoding Cp1252` for example. (I would not recommend this...)
@codymanix: but people having UTF-8 or UTF-16 *.java* source file should be shot! Here we have developers on Windows, Linux and OS X **AND** our build script enforces that *every single .java file* is ASCII-only. Why? Experience. Plain and simple.
@Webinator: no, people using tools that don't support UTF-8 should be shot. Why? Experience. Plain and simple.
Tom Anderson
@Tom Anderson: in addition to that, I honestly pitty you and your team if you put UTF-8 characters in *.java* source file instead of externalizing these strings. You do deserve to be shot, because you continue to refuse to admit blatantly obvious evidence. I don't want you nor your crappy programming practice on my team. Same for the two tards who upvoted you.
@Tom Anderson: btw, I happen to have quite some system admins skills, so I'm the one who did set up the entire DVCS and build system (including the automated *"no non-ASCII chars ever in a .java file"* check) and I if you really think that you have *"experience"* because you're using "tools" that understand UTF-8, you are completely missing the point. Of course we're using UTF-8 for a great many things, because it has its place. A *.java* file not being one of them. Have fun the day the sh!t hits the fan and remember my wise words.
@Webinator: I work in a professional java environment. I am in one - although not working - this very instant. We all run OSes (OS X and various flavours of Linux) that support UTF-8. We moved away from Windows *precisely because* we had agonising problems around file encodings, and we would like to avoid having any shit hitting fans. It's working pretty well so far. I have two suggestions for you. Firstly, choose your tools to fit your process, not vice versa. Secondly, take some deep breaths.
Tom Anderson