JOGL has moved to the Kenai project. JOGL 1.1.0 is pretty stable. If you want the new OpenGL 3 features, you'll need to download the beta 2.0 version here...
Getting JOGL setup is fairly simple. First, you'll need your build environment to include the jar files you unzip. You can do this in netbeans by right-clicking on your project and adding the jars to your class path settings. This will also add code completion from that API.
Since JOGL also ships with native code to work with the OpenGL drivers, you will need the JVM to point the compiled libraries. Specifically, you need to tell netbeans to point the java.library.path to the directory holding the library files. If you get an UnsatisfiedLinkError, you're not linking to those native files correctly.
You'll find an example of doing that here.
Once you get that setup, there is a netbeans OpenGL pack, which provides some OpenGL widgets to the matisse gui builder. It's not completely necessary, but kind of nice.
Keep in mind, though, JOGL 2.0 is still in beta, and if you don't absolutely need OpenGL 3, you should stick with the 1.1 build provided on that site.