I'm trying to map the path /crossdomain.xml to some xml content (whether its contained in a jsp, xml, or any other files, I don't care). I'm running struts 1, and I've tried this:
<action path="/crossdomain.xml" type="org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction" parameter="/crossdomain.jsp">
This technique works if I replace the .xml in the path with .jsp (then I can access it as .jsp, but I need it to be a specific name).
I also tried the DefaultServlet answer from here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/132052/servlet-for-serving-static-content - apparently we don't have that catalina.DefaultServlet class. I tried using ActionServlet, without any luck.
Its super frustrating that the simple mapping I tried first fails without any errors or messaging. Any ideas?