



I have a .NET project which references another assembly that is built outside of the solution.

I have all of the source code to the other assembly - but I can only add it as a ".DLL" reference rather than adding the actual project as a dependency.

The problem is that when I step into the external code, the debugger "steps over" it.

How do I enable "source code" debugging for the external .NET assembly.


If you can have the source code open in another visual studio, once you have started you application you can attach VS to that other process. Ten you can set a breakpoint in that source code and debug from there.

Yossi Dahan
+1  A: 

In Tools / Options / Debugging / General, there's an option called "Enable Just my code (Managed Only)". Turn it off.

Roger Lipscombe
+2  A: 

If you have the dll and want to step into the binary, you would need the dll's pdb file.
About debugging .Net source in this article
