



How to apply ClearCase baseline from Anthillpro?


Since the tools integration page mentions ClearCase, you can use Base ClearCase or UCM, with snapshot or dynamic views.
Their latest version (3.7.4) includes ClearCase UCM repository trigger.

Their documentation about ClearCase views indicates that baseline creation is conditioned by the Paths settings:


Give the paths to tell AnthillPro what projects, branches, and labels to use.
A view in ClearCase can contain code from any number of VOBs.
By giving the paths (each on its own line) you are telling AnthillPro which directories in which VOBs you want AnthillPro to use when checking for changes and when creating a baseline.
AnthillPro requires the specs to be in the form vob/path/to/files.
For example, to perform a build on label 1.0.3, the Load Rule would be VOB/BaseModeTest/Anthill-Example/1.0.3.
To build from label 1.0.3 of the branch named test, the Load Rule would be VOB/BaseModeTest/Anthill-Example/test/1.0.3
