as long as i know, the dojox.grid.datagrid should be "data aware" wich means, if i delete an item from the jsonreststore, it should get deleted from the datagrid too...
but - the grid is updated only if there is an error in the json-resonse from the delete-Request. If i return 204 as status code, nothing happens (in the grid, the data is beeing deleted on the server successfully).
any hints how i can update the grid?
here is my store, and my grid:
store = new dojox.data.JsonRestStore({"idAttribute":"id","target":"\/model\/controller"});
listGridLayout = [{"field":"id","width":"25px","formatter":getEdit,"styles":"text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;","name":" "},
{"field":"id","width":"25px","formatter":getDelete,"styles":"text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;","name":" "},
{"field":"id","width":"30px;","styles":"text-align:center;height:25px;","name":"ID"}, ...
listGridGrid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({"selectionMode":"single","store":store,"rowsPerPage":30,"rowSelector":"0px","singleClickEdit":1,"style":"width:98%; height: 97%","id":"listGrid","structure":listGridLayout}), document.createElement('div');
dojo.connect(listGridGrid, "onApplyEdit", function(row){ store.save();});
dojo.connect(listGridGrid, "onSelected", function(item, attribute, oldValue, newValue){ store.save();});
function getDelete(item) {
var url = "if (confirm('Sind Sie sicher, das der Eintrag gelöscht werden soll? Diese Aktion kann nicht Rückgängig gemacht werden!')) { store.deleteItem(store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: '" + item + "'})); }";
return '<img onclick="' + url + '" src="/images/remove.png" width="20px" />';