As new year 2009 is almost there. Just want to discuss Best New Year personal resolution towards technology you as a techie made or would like to make. Question may seem a bit offbeat but I am sure people would have tried a lot of things.views?
15Learn a couple more languages is on my list. I'm looking at Ruby or Python atm, or Lisp if I feel masochistic. Just something that isn't C#/Java/PHP.
I hope my New Year's personal resolution will be 1920 x 1200. ;-)
To trust my instincts more and don't see bias as a bad thing. Bias is a filter. You can't learn or try everything. The good old days of the Commodore 64 are gone.
I just wasted a few free days because I thought "So many people are using this! Can't be so bad. And it looks really nice!"
Learning F# and getting a better handler on ORM technologies. Afterall you've got to be in it to win it ... or as Del Boy (Only Fools and Horses) would say ... "He who dares wins!".
- Learn one (and only one) new programming language.
- Post articles to my blog at least twice a week.
- Answer fewer subjective questions on Stack Overflow.
- Produce more and better code at my job.
- Contribute something to open source.
Improve my .NET skills. Be able to correctly answer at least 90% of the questions in
- Get my XNA game to a beta state
- Graduate
- Learn a new language
- Build a Server for my home