
Code Golf New Year Edition - Integer to Roman Numeral

Write a program that take a single command line argument N and prints out the corresponding Roman Numeral. Eg N = 2009 should print MMIX. Let's say this should work for 0 < N < 3000. (Had fun playing my first ever round of code golf with the Christmas edition, and thought this could fit for New Year. Googled to see if this has come up...

Best New Year personal resolution towards technology you made or would like to make

As new year 2009 is almost there. Just want to discuss Best New Year personal resolution towards technology you as a techie made or would like to make. Question may seem a bit offbeat but I am sure people would have tried a lot of things.views? ...

Code Golf: New Year's Fireworks

The year 2009 is coming to an end, and with the economy and all, we'll save our money and instead of buying expensive fireworks, we'll celebrate in ASCII art this year. The challenge Given a set of fireworks and a time, take a picture of the firework at that very time and draw it to the console. The best solution entered before midnig...