



Every people talk about adobe dreamweaver... But if im developing java based web apps, It would be a good choice?


My answer is that it depends on what you're comfortable using.

I personally write all my XHTML, CSS, Javascript, etc (without DreamWeaver) for the sole purpose of learning and customizing it the way I would like my presentation to look like.

MVC won't help you with your presentation layer [the V (View) from M V C). MVC basically isolates(separates) the business/domain logic from the presentation layer.

There are plenty of TagLibs that helps you to "structure" (for lack of better word) your presentation layer such Struts TagLibs, JSTL, Facelets, to name but a few.

The Elite Gentleman
Hi.... I ask this question because im using eclipse to create the controller classes with spring - mvc, but eclipse is not a web design tool so i depend on other tool such as Dreamweaver.... So I would like to know how it works (the relation between front end design and the back end development ) in a real develpment environment... Sorry if the question was not clear
The reason MVC exists is that the frontend system **never** sees nor does it care about the backend at all. As long as it has data to display, it displays to end-user. It's the controller's job to talk to frontend **and** backend to get information that the view need from the model (business logic). View never talks to backend directly. Wkipedia MVC.
The Elite Gentleman
+1  A: 

Its been a while since I've personally used Dreamweaver, or any really WYSIWYG web design tool. Depending on how you use it, a lot of web designers will create a graphical mockup in something like Photoshop, then "convert" that to a web page which often results in pages that are difficult to do ANYTHING with other than look at. And then if the designer re-opens the page to change some graphical element after you've worked your mojo in order to add functionality, it will usually trash whatever you did, or if it doesn't horribly mangle all of your code, at the very least it won't display in anything like what the designer is expecting. Really the only Java web tool I've seen that appeared to work in this sort of cycle at all was Wicket, because you basically add Wicket attributes to normal html elements, at least the last time I looked at it. The only way I've worked regularly with people that use tools like Dreamweaver is to have basically 2 versions of everything, the designers one, then my Spring-MVC jsp's that I try to make look just like their original. YMMV
