Two part question. I am trying to download multiple archived Cory Doctorow podcasts from the internet archive. The old one's that do not come into my iTunes feed. I have written the script but the downloaded files are not properly formatted.
Q1 - What do I change to download the zip mp3 files? Q2 - What is a better way to pass the variables into URL?
# and the base url.
def dlfile(file_name,file_mode,base_url):
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError, HTTPError
#create the url and the request
url = base_url + file_name + mid_url + file_name + end_url
req = Request(url)
# Open the url
f = urlopen(req)
print "downloading " + url
# Open our local file for writing
local_file = open(file_name, "wb" + file_mode)
#Write to our local file
#handle errors
except HTTPError, e:
print "HTTP Error:",e.code , url
except URLError, e:
print "URL Error:",e.reason , url
# Set the range
var_range = range(150,153)
# Iterate over image ranges
for index in var_range:
base_url = ''
mid_url = '/Cory_Doctorow_Podcast_'
end_url = ''
#create file name based on known pattern
file_name = str(index)
This script was adapted from here