(define-struct binding
let ; a string
num ; a number
(define Bind-A (make-binding empty 1))
(define Bind-B (make-binding "A" 2))
(define Bind-C (make-binding "F" 1))
(define Bind-D (make-binding "A" 1))
(define Bind-E (make-binding "C" 1))
(define Bind-F (make-binding "E" 3))
(define Bind-All (list Bind-A Bind-B Bind-C Bind-D Bind-E Bind-F))
So I have a struct for something I will call "binding" and a list which holds all the "bindings" I created. Now for the question: lets say I wanted to create a list which held the letter in each Binding that has the same number as I call a function with. For example:
;; Return a string containing the letters (in alphabetical order, separated by a
;; space) of all bindings with the same number in pool of "bindings".
;; If either letter is unknown or if no bindings have the same number
;; Return the null string ("").
(define (same-num ; string
which-binding) ; binding to check
pool ; list of all bindings
[(empty? (binding-let which-binding)) ""]
[(equal? (binding-let which-binding) (binding-let (first pool)) ... ]
[else ... ]
(check-expect (same-num Bind-E Bind-all) "A F")
(check-expect (same-num Bind-F Bind-all) "")
(check-expect (same-num Bind-A Bind-all) "")
I hope this makes sense the way I explained it.. I've been struggling with this for hours and I feel like it is really simple I just don't understand the language enough.