I have special strings like name1="value1" name2='value2'
. Values can contain whitespaces and are delimited by either single quotes or double quotes. Names never contain whitespaces. name/value pairs are separated by whitespaces.
I want to parse them into a list of name-value pairs like this
string.magic_split() => { "name1"=>"value1", "name2"=>"value2" }
If Ruby understood lookaround assertions, I could do this by
string.split(/[\'\"](?=\s)/).each do |element|
element =~ /(\w+)=[\'\"](.*)[\'\"]/
hash[$1] = $2
but Ruby does not understand lookaround assertions, so I am somewhat stuck.
However, I am sure that there are much more elegant ways to solve this problem anyway, so I turn to you. Do you have a good idea for solving this problem?