I've got a dialog screen which is placed on top of my web page. This dialog can be dragged around the page, but also outside the visible part of the page. How can I detect the 'limits' of the browser window and prevent dragging the dialog outside the page?
The following part of an case statement is exectuted when I drop the dialog window somewhere on the page. I'm also using jquery.event.drag from threedubmedia
// mouseup, stop dragging
case 'mouseup':
$event.remove( document, "mousemove mouseup", handler ); // remove page events
if ( drag.dragging ){
if ( $special.drop ) $special.drop.handler( event ); // "drop"
hijack( event, "dragend", elem ); // trigger "dragend"
selectable( elem, true ); // enable text selection
drag.dragging = drag.proxy = data.elem = false; // deactivate element