Hello again,
I've made a simple web application where a lot of things is done without refreshing a window. Now I faced a problem which I haven't realized before. If I won't find a solution, I'll have to redesign the whole app which will take a lot of time and probably kill some coolness of using it. Ouch. Ok, back to the problem.
To reveal - let's say - the "secret" part of the site, the user has to input a kind of... password and click "Confirm". But I don't have an idea how to store the password to prevent the user from reading it, for example in the source of the site.
At present, I use mysql database - I connect with it, read the password in PHP and store it in global javascript variable. But it's of course readable after entering the source.
Is it possible to do such a thing? Is it possible to secretly check the password without having to refresh the site and checking it with PHP?