Hi There,
I have 4.5 years experience as a professional PHP developer, I have loads of experience with session handling, etc.
I am wanting to learn how to build Facebook applications. I have gone through the process of downloading the Facebook Developer application, I have used to it Create an App, I have set the canvas URL to where the app is hosted.
I can successfully "install" the app using a Facebook user account, and I can successfully access it. I have noted that when the app is loaded, a whole string of data gets passed to it, with parameter names like fb_sig_user and fb_sig_session_key. Currently, I am doing nothing with these parameters.
On the application end, obviously I am supposed to create a Facebook object by using my own APP ID key and SECRET key, which I have done.
But I can't seem to figure out how to start making API calls from my application back to Facebook.
How do I, at this point, just do something simple like get the person's name and display it to them?
Eg, how do I:
$first_name = $facebook->getUserFirstName();
.. do something like that?
I just want to do a simple test to ensure the API stuff is working.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.