I am trying to query the Apple Calendarserver via the Python CalDAVClientLibrary. I can connect to the server, list the available calendars and read out the whole calendar, also I am able to store a new event.
For these operations, caldav uses the HTTP-Methods GET, PUT, REPORT and PROPFIND.
As an example (assuming there is at least one calendar)
Here is something I already found out to get started on the console:
import client.account import protocol.caldav.multiget from client.account import CalDAVAccount from protocol.url import URL import protocol.webdav.definitions.davxml as davxml import xml import uuid from browser import utils # principal-Parameter has to be a full URL # Establish session to the caldav-server, with HTTP-logging enabled myclient = client.account.CalDAVAccount(server="", port=8008, user="MYUSER", pswd="password", principal="/principals/users/MYUSER/", logging=True) print myclient dir(myclient) principal = myclient.principal calendars = principal.listCalendars() calendar = calendars[0] # readData makes GET-requests. So the following line reads the whole calendar data = calendar.session.readData(URL(calendar.path)) # This line reads a list of available properties props = calendar.session.getProperties(URL(calendar.path),'',False) # Read the etag of the calendar myprops = calendar.session.getProperties(URL(calendar.path),(davxml.getetag,),False) print calendar.description # Get the calendar's description print calendar.displayname # Get the calendar's displayname print myprops
But looking at the API-Documentation, which is in an HTML-Folder of the svn-checkout there is nothing set about doing search-queries and looking at the sourcecode there is also nothing. Several methods in there also prototypes. If I find out, how to deal with this, I will write a long article about it to help people getting started with CalDAV. At the moment it is quite hard to get information about this.