



I'm attempting to rapidly deploy a PHP application under apache2/PHP on a Unix host. The sysadmin hasn't heard of PHP so I'm looking to build/install myself. Unfortunately root access is two weeks of bureaucracy away so I'm looking for a way to use PHP and its requisite libxml2 without installing.

+1  A: 

You can't avoid make install, but you can maybe use --prefix

`./configure --prefix` to be more exact ...
+1  A: 

You can be a non-privileged user and build Apache and PHP. You can have your own prefix paths for the installs, and if the development headers for the necessary libraries are available you can use them. You're going to hit issues in that as not-root you'll have to start Apache on a port > 1024. You're also not going to have the system package management available, so updates will have to be likewise built. In short, it's doable, but depending on which UNIX you're actually using, may not be horrendously pleasant. PHP in particular needs many many libraries (and if you're building from source, runtime isn't enough, you need the dev headers files) to have a usable system.

Good luck.

Tony Miller