



I'm using a custom route in my mvc application that inherits from RouteBase.

In my global.asax I register the route like this:

routes.MapPageRoute("PageRoute", ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IRepository>());

In the GetRouteData method I use my repository to fetch the correct page and then I put that in the RouteValueDictionary like this:

RouteData.DataTokens["CurrentPage"] = _repository.Get("some criteria");

When I update a page in for instance my Update action on my HomeController that looks like this:

public HomeController(IRepository repository) : base(repository) {
    _repository = repository;
public virtual ActionResult Update([Bind(Prefix = "CurrentPage")] Home item)
    var item = _repository.Get("some criteria")

    UpdateModel(item, "CurrentPage");

    return RedirectToRoute( new { item } );

... I end up in the GetRouteData method again and when I fetch the correct page with my repository I get the old page and not the one I updated? My Update method looks like this:

   public void Update(Item page) {
        using (var transaction = _session.BeginTransaction()) {

So does anyone know why this is the case? Is my custom route class a singleton or static so i have an old instance of my repository but then I think my FNH session would be closed? Or maybe it's my update method that is wrong?