Using Otis' answer the following code does it nicely.
static String getOutlookPath() {
// Message message = new Message();
final String classID;
final String outlookPath;
{ // Fetch the Outlook Class ID
int[] ret = RegUtil.RegOpenKey(RegUtil.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Classes\\Outlook.Application\\CLSID", RegUtil.KEY_QUERY_VALUE);
int handle = ret[RegUtil.NATIVE_HANDLE];
byte[] outlookClassID = RegUtil.RegQueryValueEx(handle, "");
classID = new String(outlookClassID).trim(); // zero terminated bytes
{ // Using the class ID from above pull up the path
int[] ret = RegUtil.RegOpenKey(RegUtil.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Classes\\CLSID\\" + classID + "\\LocalServer32", RegUtil.KEY_QUERY_VALUE);
int handle = ret[RegUtil.NATIVE_HANDLE];
byte[] pathBytes = RegUtil.RegQueryValueEx(handle, "");
outlookPath = new String(pathBytes).trim(); // zero terminated bytes
return outlookPath;