I'm using the YUI 2.7 library to handle a dual-slider (range slider) control in a webpage.
It works great-- however, I wanted to allow users to switch the range values by Ajax-- effectively changing the price range from "0-50,000" to a subset (eg. "50-250") without reloading the page.
The problem is that it appears the values from the existing slider do not get reset, even when I explicitly set them back to NULL inside the function to "rebuild" the slider.
The slider handles appear out of position after the ajax request, (way off the scale to the right) and the values of the slider apparently randomly fluctuate.
Is there a way to explicitly destroy the YUI slider object, beyond setting its reference to null? Or do I just need to redeclare the scale and min/max values somehow?
Thanks for any help (I'll try to post a link to an example asap)
here's the code:
function slider(bg,minthumb,maxthumb,minvalue,maxvalue,startmin,startmax,aSliderName,soptions) {
var scaleFactor = null;
var tickSize = null;
var range = null;
var dual_slider = null;
var initVals = null;
var Dom = null;
range = options.sliderLength;
if ((startmax - startmin) < soptions.sliderLength) {
tickSize = (soptions.sliderLength / (startmax - startmin));
tickSize = 1;
initVals = [ 0,soptions.sliderLength ], // Values assigned during instantiation
//Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
scaleFactor = ((startmax - startmin) / soptions.sliderLength);
dual_slider = YAHOO.widget.Slider.getHorizDualSlider(
bg,minthumb,maxthumb,range, tickSize, initVals);
dual_slider.subscribe("change", function(instance) {
priceMin = (dual_slider.minVal * scaleFactor) + startmin;
priceMax = (dual_slider.maxVal * scaleFactor) + startmin;
dual_slider.subscribe("slideEnd", function(){ alert(priceMin + ' ' + priceMax); });
return dual_slider;