Inspired by a thought while looking at the question "Correct HTTP status code when resource is available but not accessible because of permissions", I will use the same scenario to illustrate my hypothetical question.
Imagine I am building a a carpooling web service.
Suppose the following
GET /api/persons/angela/location
retrieves the current position of user "angela". Only angela herself and a possible driver that is going to pick her should be able to know her location, so if the request is not authenticated to an appropriate user, a 401 Unauthorized response is returned.
Also consider the request
GET /api/persons/john/location
when no user called john has registered with the system. There is no john resource let alone a resource for john's location, so this obviously returns a 404 Not Found. Or does it?
What if I don't want to reveal whether or not john is registered with the system?
(Perhaps the usernames are drawn from a small pool of university logins, and there is a very militant cycling group on campus that takes a very dim view of car usage, even if you are pooling? They could make requests to the URL for every user, and if they receive a 401 instead of 404, infer that the user is a car pooler)
Does it make sense to return a 401 Unauthorized for this request, even though the resource does not exist and there is no possible set of credentials that could be supplied in a request to have the server return a 200?