



This has been bugging me for a long time now.

I am new to symfony (2 days to be precise). I am using sfGuardPlugin to implement user administration. I am using following approach:

I have a user say "site_user", there is a group called "moderator". site_user belongs to moderator. moderator has permission say do_something.

In security.yml I have set

is_secure: true
credentials: [do_something]

Now when I try to access any page, it denies me access to saying that you do not have proper credentials

myUser.class inherits from sfGuardSecurityUser

sfGuard* modules have been enabled in settings.yml

default modules and action for login and secure have been set as written in the readme.

The only reason I can think of is that the credentials are not loading into user from groups. But it doesn't make sense to not to have group-permissions even after belonging to a that group.

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