
how to add users to sfguard

Hi! I'm using symfony 1.2 with sfguard 1.4.1. what's the best practice to register a new user to the system? 10x ...

Symfony sfGuardPlugin session inconsistencies

Ok I have several modules in my application in symfony. I have only one module that is secure: on. I also have a layout.php that on top includes a tabbed menu to display links for each module in my application. This menu also has a part where the user is displayed link to 'sign in' if user is not logged in and 'log out' if user is logged...

Two tables relation with sfDoctrineGuard user table (symfony)

Hy, I have started in my web application a part who users needs to be autenticated to work with it. I have two tables related: Customer and Enterprise.... the first one are users who want to buy a product and the second one are "users" who want to sell products. What is better way to do that? Relation 1:1 with user_table? how can i dif...

sfDoctrineGuard problem

I have a problem with my sfDoctrineGuardPlugin... this question is related to... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2183552/two-tables-relation-with-sfdoctrineguard-user-table-symfony I create the entity Enterprise and Customer and associate well with their group and entity. Now i create a module called sfGuard whith signinSucces.php b...

Symfony + Doctrine - possible to link more than 2 tables/models together?

I've created an sfGuardUserProfile model that has a relation to the sfGuardUser model. Then I define another model with a relation to sfGuardUserProfile. I don't get any errors when I create the database, but when I try saving data to sfGuardUserProfile in my actions file, I get this error: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint viola...

Symfony 1.4: Custom error message for CSRF in forms

Hi, Can anyone tell me where/how to customise the CSRF token error message for forms in Symfony 1.4. I'm using sfDoctrineGuard for logins and in this form particularly, whenever a session runs out and you still have the page open, it throws a very user-unfriendly error: "CSRF attack detected". Something like "This session has expired. P...

symfony: multiple apps, single login?

My symfony project is divided into several apps. Using the sfDoctrineGuard plugin I'd like to create another app just for login, and redirect to the appropriate app after login. My questions: • Is this advisable or does it go against how sfGuard is supposed to work? • Is there a way to redirect between applications without hardcoding ...

sfDoctrineGuard question

Hi, I'm trying to do a "i forgot my password" functionality. My problem is that if i try to do a Doctrine query and send password to email it retrieves password encrypted. I look at some webs that DoctrineGuard don't have this functionality and only have register and login functionality. Is it true? In this case, how i can do a rememb...

Problem with sfRemember cookie / sfGuard Remember me

I'm using Symfony 1.4 with Doctrine. Sorry if this is a silly question but what exactly does one need to build on top of the sfDoctrineGuardPlugin to get the "remember me" functionality working? When I login a user, the sfRemember cookie is created with the default 15-day lifetime, and the remember key is saved in the plugin's sf_guard...

sfDoctrineGuard - how to ALWAYS join sfGuardProfile to sfGuardUser

I want to make it so that anytime the db is queried for an sfGuardUserProfile it is autmoatically joined and hydrated with its related sfGuardUser. If i was using Propel 1.2 i would normally override the doSelectStmt method of the sfGuardUserProfilePeer class to inspect the Criteria and modify it as necessary as well as modifying the hy...

Symfony/Doctrine/SfGuardPlugin: Redirect to requested page (route), and not referrer

I want to be able to take the user to the requested page after login, but this does not happen with sfGuard. ** My Register action requires SignIn ;) ** On the listing page [http://cim/frontend_dev.php/] -> user clicks the 'Register' link [@register = register/index] -> user is taken to 'Signin' page provided by sfGuard -> after sign-in...

Symfony sfDoctrineGuard plugin sfGuardUser module

When using sfDoctrineGuard plugin, it automatically generates the backend administration functionality where I can edit users of the system and assign them permissions. So I visit http://.../backend_dev.php/sf_guard_user/:id/edit where I am presented with the user's information including the available permissions to select. By default ...

symfony override BaseForm class howto

I've installed the sfDoctrineGuard plugin. Everything is working, I can use the /sf_guard_user/edit/:id page to edit a user. I didn't like the way the permissions were listed as a select list, I wanted to display them as individual checkboxes split up based on the permission name. To do this I created a custom widget that extends sfWidg...

Widget "password_again" does not exist.

Got this error: Widget "password_again" does not exist. I can't think why it has suddenly started appearing. I'm using the default generator file supplied with the sfDoctrineGuard plugin plugins/sfDoctrineGuardPlugin/modules/sfGuardUser/config/generator.yml generator: class: sfDoctrineGenerator param: model_class: sfGuardU...

auth problems (security filters) in sfGuardUser Symfony

Hi, I'm using Symfony 1.2.7, and sfGuardUser Plugin. I'm able to view all the pages, login and logout. However when I try to edit (just going to the form) or update an object (saving the changes) sometimes I have problems of auth, and symfony redirects me to the edit form page again. I put some emphasys on sometimes because it's what it...

IS there any manual to correct unit test system for integrating with sfGuard auth symfony?

I've installed sfGuard plugin and now most of old tests didn't work well. They need to be authenticated to the frontend system. Is there any official decision ? ...

symfony sfGuardUser hasCrendential live after update

Hi, I'm using symfony 1.4 and the sfGuardDoctrinePlugin, I've got it installed and setup fine but I have the following problem: If I login as an admin and update the permissions for a user, that user must logout then login again before having the newly added credential/permission. Is there a way around this? I'm not sure how easy this...

Unknown record property / related component "permissions" on "sfGuardUser"

I'm having a weird problem with my symfony backend. I can log in once, but after that I get Unknown record property / related component "permissions" on "sfGuardUser" Also, when I do login and try to edit a record from any module, I get Fatal error: Call to a member function setLabel() on a non-object in plugins/sfDoctrineGuardPlugin/...

Problem with sfGuardPlugin and credentials

This has been bugging me for a long time now. I am new to symfony (2 days to be precise). I am using sfGuardPlugin to implement user administration. I am using following approach: I have a user say "site_user", there is a group called "moderator". site_user belongs to moderator. moderator has permission say do_something. In security.y...