



Ok I have several modules in my application in symfony. I have only one module that is secure: on. I also have a layout.php that on top includes a tabbed menu to display links for each module in my application. This menu also has a part where the user is displayed link to 'sign in' if user is not logged in and 'log out' if user is logged in.

When I attempt to visit the module that is secure: on I am forwarded to the sign in page. I can log in fine and the cookie is created. If I go to any other module the menu displays the 'log out' link.

Lets say I close the browser (cookie is set to expire in 15 days) and open up browser again and i go to the homepage module. I should be logged in but the menu displays 'sign in' instead (thinking no user is logged in). I try to visit the secure: on module and then when page reloads the menu displays the 'log out' link because it now reads the cookie.

What I found out is that if a cookie is set and I close browser and reopen it at the homepage there are two cookies, one 'sfRemember', and second 'symfony'. After I visit the secure module and the cookie is read, the cookie for 'symony' is totally different from what gets displayed on the homepage - this means its not reading the same cookie and thats why the 'log out' link doesnt appear until I visit the secure module. If after I open that secure module I go back to home page the application reads the cookie just fine and 'log out is displayed'.

I really have no clue how to approach this. Any help is greatly appreciated!


I've come accross this before.

My code is at work, but the explanation given in this ticket seems familiar.


I tried the solution ont that ticket but I get this:

Fatal error: Class 'sfGuardRememberMeFilter' not found

Im using symfony 1.2 and the latest version of sfGuardPlugin. Whas that class removed? Also in my application settings.yml I enable the following modules in case this proves useful in solving this problem

Activated modules from plugins or from the symfony core

enabled_modules: [default, sfGuardAuth]

Thanks for your help!


Optionally enable the "Remember Me" filter in filters.yml

security: class: sfGuardBasicSecurityFilter

Did you try this before recommending it? - I think you will find that it does not work (SF 1.4)
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