



I have some bitmap A which I modify to produce bitmap B. I want to efficiently produce a bitmap D by XORing the pixels values of A and B together such that D XOR A produces bitmap B and D XOR B produces bitmap A. I want to store the differences between the bitmaps so I can reverse changes that I've made.

So far I've tried:

  1. Drawing A onto B with a paint object that I've called .setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.XOR)) on. This works when the alpha of A and B is 255 everywhere but anything below produces undesirable results. If I XOR A onto A, for example, I'd expect the result to be a blank image. With this xfer mode, most of A will disappear but the parts without full alpha will remain.

  2. Drawing A onto B with a paint object that I've called .setXfermode(new PixelXorXfermode(0)) on. This xfer mode destroys alpha values, which isn't what I want. I'm also not sure what useful things I can set the constructor value to.

What can I do? I need something that will treat the pixel values as plain values and not treat the alpha values as a special case. I need this to be fairly fast (like the above paint types are) and using something like setpixel/getpixel or doing the calculations myself in a byte[] will be far too slow.