




Hello All, Greetings !! I have to insert a logo(image) on the row[0],column[0].I am using "Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer" for that.i tried its insertBitmap() methode ,program working fine but it doesn't show the bitmap image on xls sheet,instead blank row. what could be reason ? can you please let me know the exact string format for the argument. Is there any other way to insert image on xls sheet using PHP5.i am very new to php ,it will be a great help .

Have a nice time ahead !!

[edit] Here is the code, as per Aman's comment below:

$sew =& new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer ();
$worksheet =& $sew->addWorksheet (substr (strval ($name).strval ($sht), 0, 31));
$worksheet->insertBitmap ($row,$col,$image,$x,$y,$scale_x,$scale_y);
+1  A: 

I never could get Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer to work properly with image insertions. Not sure if it's a bug in the library or what. But in any case, S_E_W is hideously outdated, you should switch to PHPExcel instead, which supports recent Excel formats (including .xlsx) for reading AND writing, whereas S_E_W is limited to BIFF 5.0, which is Excel '95 (or thereabouts) and only supports writing.

Marc B