



So, I come from Netbeans, I develop sites there, we use Tomcat as local server to manage it. In Netbeans it was pretty much "Install, write hit Run and it works" How do I pull the same thing off in IntelliJ?

I really can't find a step-by-step instruction for it..

+2  A: 

Which version of IntelliJ are you using? Note that since last year, IntelliJ exists in two versions:

  • Ultimate Edition, which is the complete IDE
  • Community Edition, which is free but does not support JavaEE developments.

(see differences here)

In case you are using the Community Edition, you will not be able to manage a Tomcat installation.

In case you are using the Ultimate Edition, you can have a look at the FAQ for Netbeans users (see question How do I configure a web framework for my project?)

I looked at it (Using ultimate btw) and it says go to Project Structure -> Modules -> Add new Facet. Which gives me *one* option, Flex... :/
That could be related to the project being an "Unknown Module" whatever that means. I suppose. But even so if I make a new project I'll find more options there but not TOmcat..
@Meke Did you had a look here: ?
I saw that yes, but it doesn't tell me anything about how to actually do it which is the confusion here. Will I have to download tomcat myself, which I didn't do with Netbeans or can IntelliJ handle it itself..?
So all in all, you have no idea then.
+1  A: 

Please verify that the required plug-ins are enabled in Settings | Plugins, most likely you've disabled several of them, that's why you don't see all the facet options.

For the step by step tutorial, see: Creating a simple Web application and deploying it to Tomcat.
