Let's say I have a Question and QuestionHeader class. Question extends QuestionHeader. My mapping looks like this:
<entity class="hr.leads.services.model.jpa.QuestionHeader">
<table name="question" />
<inheritance strategy="SINGLE_TABLE" />
<basic name="description">
<column name="description" length="200" nullable="false" />
<basic name="text">
<column name="text" length="300" nullable="false" />
<many-to-one name="band"
target-entity="hr.leads.services.model.jpa.Band" fetch="EAGER">
<join-column name="band_id" />
<entity class="hr.leads.services.model.jpa.Question">
<table name="question" />
<inheritance strategy="SINGLE_TABLE" />
<basic name="visibilityQuestionId">
<column name="visibility_question_id" nullable="true" />
<basic name="visibilityQuestionOptionId">
<column name="visibility_question_option_id"
nullable="true" />
<many-to-one name="questionType"
<join-column name="question_type_id" />
<one-to-many name="options"
fetch="EAGER" mapped-by="question">
<cascade-all />
The problem is, when I try to add the entity, here is the SQL that gets generated:
INSERT INTO question (name, display_order, description, text, DTYPE, band_id, visibility_question_id, visibility_question_option_id, question_type_id)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [params=(String) q1, (int) 1, (String) d1, (String) t, (String) QUESTION, (long) 101, (long) 42, (long) 43, (long) 101]}
It's putting DTYPE as a column name, and I don't want it to do that! How can I prevent it? I think this is the discriminator value, but I don't want that in my insert statement.