I have set up my models to use a polymorphic Image model. This is working fine, however I am wondering if it is possible to change the :styles setting for each model. Found some examples using STI (Model < Image) However this is not an option for me, because I am using a has_many relation.
has_many :images, :as => :imageable
belongs_to :imageable, :polymorphic => true
has_attached_file :file, :styles => { :thumb => "150x150>", :normal => "492x600>"}
#Change this setting depending on model
I tried starting up a debugger inside the Proc method. Only fields related to the attached file is populated:
run'irb(Image):006:0> a.instance => #<Image id: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, imageable_id: nil, imageable_type: nil, file_file_name: "IMG_9834.JPG", file_content_type: "image/jpeg", file_file_size: 151326, file_updated_at: "2010-10-30 08:40:23">
This is the object from ImageController#create
@image => #<Image id: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, imageable_id: 83, imageable_type: "Art", file_file_name: "IMG_9834.JPG", file_content_type: "image/jpeg", file_file_size: 151326, file_updated_at: "2010-10-30 08:32:49">
I am using paperclip (2.3.5) and Rails 3.0.1. No matter what I do the a.instance object is the image with only the fields related to the attachment populated. Any ideas?
After reading a lot on the Paperclip forum I don't believe it's possible to access the instance before it has been saved. You can onlye see the Paperclip stuff and that's it.
I got around this problem by presaving the image from the Image controller with a before filter - without the attachment
before_filter :presave_image, :only => :create
def presave_image
if @image.id.nil? # Save if new record / Arts controller sets @image
@image = Image.new(:imageable_type => params[:image][:imageable_type], :imageable_id => params[:image][:imageable_id])
@image.save(:validate => false)
@image.file = params[:file] # Set to params[:image][:file] if you edit an image.