




Given a block of content, I'm looking to create a function in PHP to check for the existence of a keyword or keyword phrase inside an h1-h3 header tags...

For example, if the keyword was "Blue Violin" and the block of text was...

You don't see many blue violins. Most violins have a natural finish. <h1>If you see a blue violin, its really a rarity</h1>

I'd like my function to return:

  • The keyword phrase does appear in an h1 tag
  • The keyword phrase does not appear in an h2 tag
  • The keyword phrase does not appear in an h2 tag
+3  A: 
Can DOM/XPATH be executed from a PHP script?
Scott B
@Scott did you follow the links? ;) Yes.
Just beware that loading the DomDocument object is fairly heavy. So if you wanted to search multiple keywords, it would be best to just evaluate each query rather than re-building the dom and xpath objects each time (A class may work better depending on what you're exactly trying to do)...
@Gordon: Sweet! Thanks for the help.
Scott B
I need to also check for keyword in the first and last sentence of the content. Should I create a function specific to that task or could this one be used to do that?
Scott B
It will be evaluating the post/page content in a wordpress editor, so I don't need to evaluate the whole body. The editor wraps its content in a div with id="content". Can I seed the evaluate statement with the #content div?
Scott B
@Scott sentences are not a concept for DOM. It knows nodes. If you have two sentences in a TextNode, you will have to match those with string functions. However, you can `$xpath->query("/path/to/div[@id='content']")` to get the DOMElement for that div and then access the content via it's API. Or use `$dom->getElementById('content)`. Have a look around SO for some DOM snippets or [look through some of my former answers](http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=user%3A208809+dom)
Gordon, I think I'm there but I can't seem to convert your example from loading a static file to loading the wordpress content... $dom->load(??post_content or content div??);
Scott B
@Scott `load` is for XML/XHTML files. `loadHTMLFile` is for HTML files. Both can be used with URLs if fopen wrappers are enabled. To load an XML/XHTML string, use `loadXML`. To load HTML, use `loadHTML`.
Got it. Works now! Thanks :)
Scott B