Hi All, I am rendering a Tree using Jason array that i get from a jsp page. So the tree has root node and 3 nodes and each node has more than 5 children and some of the children has same id and same text. It renders properly and no issues in display.
I am trying to make the user select child nodes of only one type (one of 3 nodes). if the user selects any node which is not the sibling of already existing node then i just need to un check already checked nodes. This sounds pretty simple and i coded it. I basically compared the parent nodes(node.parentNode.id) of the checked node with the already checked nodes(tree.getCheckedNodes())
the problem is when i select children nodes which have same id and text my logic fails and they say that they have same parentNode.id even though they have different parentNode.id. Does the tree panel check for duplicate elements and assign them to same parentnode while loading? what is going here and how to fix this any ideas. thank you.
var tree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
id: 'deficiencyTree',
renderTo: 'MyTable',
title: 'Deficiencies',
height: 'auto',
width: 525,
useArrows: true,
autoScroll: true,
animate: true,
enableDD: true,
containerScroll: true,
rootVisible: false,
frame: false,
root:{nodeType: 'async'},
dataUrl: 'jsonFile.jsp',
listeners: {
'checkchange': function (node, checked) {
if (checked) {
selNodes = tree.getChecked();
Ext.each(selNodes, function (nodes) {
alert("id values for node and nodes "+node.parentNode.id+" "+nodes.parentNode.id);
if (nodes.parentNode.id != node.parentNode.id)
list.length = 0;
iii = 0;
selNodess = tree.getChecked();
Ext.each(selNodess, function (nodes) {
list[iii] = nodes.id;