




Hi! The thing I want to implement is the next UI hierarchy in my Swing application.

  1. Main Window (JFrame)
  2. Modal dialog (JDialog) in front of this window. It's opened by clicking on the button in main window.
  3. The set of windows in front of modal dialog (2). They should be independent from each other and non-blocking for modal jdialog (2).

How can I code this?

+1  A: 

Specify the owner when you create the JDialogs. Read the JDialog API for the proper constructor to use. I would guse the owner of the dialog in point 3 would be the dialog in point 2.

And how can i set the dialog in pt 2 as an owner for dialogs in pt 3? I see that JDialog gets JFrame as an owner, not JDialog.
Andrey Pesoshin
JDialog takes Dialog, Frame or Window as an owner. That should be enough
thanks a lot, guys! It works for me
Andrey Pesoshin