



Hi, guys. I am developing a project that requires a strict location of a user ( country, state (or department or region) and city (with postal code). The idea is that I do not want to allow user input, as people (especially french people) tend to ignore autocompletes and write all uppercase with some variations (e.g. PARIS01, PARIS, PARIS 01, LYON (Nord)), so their location data is pretty messed up. On the other hand, I have to provide a complete list of cities in all countries to be able to force them select a city and disable manual input. Anyway, can you help me with some sources of location data ( better free or cheap) or tell me what are the advantages of expesive databases ?


Few years ago I was developing some financial application that used Zip codes and addresses heavily. I bought zip code data base issued by Polish Post (one CD). I am not sure if such thing exists for France, but I believe Postal services companies' web sites could be a good place to start.

Paweł Dyda
Paweł, thank you. We even called France Postal Service, but they claimed to not have a database. France, though, is not a problem. A bigger issue is GB, Germany and other countries that I am not sure I can find data.