




Folks, Is it possible to increase the width of scroll on a DIV element placed inside the BODY.( I am not talking about the default scrollbar on the browser itself, This page runs in full screen mode and hence Browser scrollbar never come into picture, the inner DIV element has its own scrollbar.)



If the scrollbar is not the browser scrollbar, then it will be built of regular HTML elements (probably divs and spans) and can thus be styled (or will be Flash, Java, etc and can be customized as per those environments).

The specifics depend on the DOM structure used.

David Dorward
Hi David, So whats the process to modify a scrollbar? The only CSS tags I know for styling are related to coloring only.
`#whateverElementyouAreFakingTheScrollbarWith { width: <length> }`
David Dorward

Hello, you might be interested in jScrollPane JQuery plugin, it seems easy to use http://jscrollpane.kelvinluck.com/

+1  A: 

If you are talking about the scrollbar that automatically appears on a div with overflow: scroll (or auto), then no, that's still a native scrollbar rendered by the browser using normal OS widgets, and not something that can be styled(*).

Whilst you can replace it with a proxy made out of stylable divs and JavaScript as suggested by Matt, I wouldn't recommend it for the general case. Script-driven scrollbars never quite behave exactly the same as real OS scrollbars, causing usability and accessibility problems.

(*: Except for the IE colouring styles, which I wouldn't really recommend either. Apart from being IE-only, using them forces IE to fall back from using nice scrollbar images from the current Windows theme to ugly old Win95-style scrollbars.)

Hi bobince, You are right, its an overflow:scroll/auto scrollbar. I did try jScrollPane suggested by Matt but its degrading the performance of scrolling by a huge margin.

My experience with trying to use CSS to modify the scroll bars is don't. Only IE will let you do this.

Jim Fell