



+5  A: 

Correct. There is no DTD. However, HTML5 documents should start with <!DOCTYPE html> So there's a DOCTYPE, but no DTD.


@Adam The DOCTPYE has no reference to a DTD, obviously. However, it would be nice if there would be an "unofficial" DTD just for the sake of having a good overview of the nesting rules...
Šime Vidas
@Šime Vidas The DTD is from HTML's SGML roots. HTML5 is no longer based on SGML so there is no DTD.
+1 concise answer. Also, worth to mention that HTML5 is currently a working draft, with a bunch of changes in the last months. A DTD makes sense after reaching a stable status, which is not the case right now. Despite it is safe to assume and use some elements and APIs which are stable, but the whole spec isn't.
@Adam But what about XHTML5? It is an application of XML. So, it should have a DTD or XML Shema, right?
Šime Vidas
@Šime Vidas Good point. I didn't know about XHTML5. You're right, it should be possible to create one. I did a quick search to see if anyone had made one and I found http://johndyer.name/post/HTML5-XHTML5-Validation-Schema-for-Visual-Studio-2008.aspx and for HTML5 entities http://www.w3.org/2003/entities/2007/w3centities-f.ent
@Adam Excellent. The link to the XML Shema is here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/webdevtools/archive/2009/11/18/html-5-intellisense-and-validation-schema-for-visual-studio-2008-and-visual-web-developer.aspx
Šime Vidas

If there is no DTD or schema to validate the H5 document against, how are we supposed to do document validation? Please help! This is going to become a huge problem for our industry if we have no way to accurately validate HTML5 documents!

This isn't an answer. If you have a question then please ask a question ( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask ). (Then I'll be more tempted to answer it)
David Dorward
@jkilgrow The W3C Validator can validate HTML5 documents http://validator.w3.org/
Šime Vidas
Ok. How's this David: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4055206/yet-another-question-regarding-the-html5-dtd-schema

I think they did away with the old DTDs, now we just start HTML pages with: <!DOCTYPE HTML>

Maybe the W3C will come out with one eventually.
