Currently I am binding a dataset with a datagrid.
ds = query.ExecuteReadQuery("select PollQuestionText as 'Survey Question',
PollAnswer1Text as 'Selection 1', PollAnswer2Text as 'Selection 2', PollAnswer3Text
as 'Selection 3', PollEnabled 'Status' from tbl_pollquestions")
For Each row As Data.DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
If row.ItemArray(4).ToString = "0" Then
row.ItemArray."<a href=""""> <img src=""img/box_icon_edit_pencil1.gif"" border=""0""> </a>"
ElseIf row.ItemArray(4).ToString = "1" Then
row.Item(4) = "<a href=""""> <img src=""img/box_icon_edit_pencil2.gif"" border=""0""> </a>"
End If
GridView1.DataSource = ds
Since I am inserting html code, why this is not being converted to html?
The output result is all text. (Suppose an icon is being displayed with no redirect url)
I dont know why.