Intermittently I am getting "VBScript runtime error '800a0006': Overflow" on this line:
Response.Cookies("AffiliateID").Expires = Date() + 30 '30 day cookie
The error message is referencing this line but maybe it is happening in the code around it, which follows:
elseif Session("LoggedIn")<>1 and not isEmpty(request.querystring("aff")) then
Dim arr_service_area_options, c
arr_service_area_options = Split(Application("SERVICE_AREA_OPTIONS"),",")
for c = 0 to UBound(arr_service_area_options)
if CInt(Trim(request.querystring("aff"))) = CInt(Trim(arr_service_area_options(c))) then
Session("AffiliateID") = arr_service_area_options(c)
Response.Cookies("AffiliateID") = arr_service_area_options(c)
Response.Cookies("AffiliateID").Expires = Date() + 30 '30 day cookie
exit for
end if