




I have this web page, say Home.html, that has links to other employee-related web sites. There is one, say www.SomeSite.com/HR.xyz, where it has a form to login. There are 3 fields: UserId, Password, and Company. The company is always the same, e.g. MyCo. How can I update the Home.html page so that when the user clicks on the link to , www.SomeSite.com/HR.xyz, it automatically populates the Company field with "MyCo"?

I looked at the DOM and found the following:

<input autocomplete='off' class='loginInput' tabindex='3' type="text" name="company" id="company" value="" maxlength='50' size="25">

I tried the following by entering it in the URL and it did not work (no error, just didn't populated the "company" field: www.SomeSite.com/HR.xyz?company=MyCo.

Thanks for advice!

+1  A: 

You need some way of reading the value passed in the URL on the HR.xyz page. You need to either use Javascript or some server side logic (PHP, .NET, etc)

+2  A: 

Without some kind of scripting (either server side or client side), you will not be able to automatically populate a field in the manner you describe.

Since you do not seem to have access to the source of this site, I would have to conclude that this would not be possible.

I do have access to our Home site, which is actually in PHP (though I said it was HTML). I do not have access to the destination site, but was able to view the source and found the pasted DOM object. Thanks, any other ideas?
@user118190 - Not really. For security reasons, you will not be able to change defaults on the destination site.
+1  A: 

Change the value attribute:

<input autocomplete='off' class='loginInput' tabindex='3' type="text"
name="company" id="company" value="MyCo" maxlength='50' size="25">
I don't have access to that site, i.e. www.SomeSite.com/HR.xyz. I have access to www.MyCo.com/Home.html. Thanks.

You could try using a get request to populate the input box in the form. That's only if the url like you said is as such www.SomeSite.com/HR.xyz?company=MyCo. In PHP you would simply include:

<input autocomplete='off' class='loginInput' tabindex='3' type="text" name="company" id="company" value="<?php echo $_GET["company"]; ?>" maxlength='50' size="25">

As you can see that within the value attribute is a echo statement that echoes the get request in the URI where HR.xyz?company=MyCo contains the company get request. If you are using just pure html with no scripting language like php the only other method is by having this code:

<input autocomplete='off' class='loginInput' tabindex='3' type="text" name="company" id="company" value="myCo" maxlength='50' size="25">

Reese Currie