



Hi all,

I'm familiar with the Google Maps API and I'm trying to learned the iOS MapKit library now. I have an iPhone application which takes an input string and geocodes it using Google Maps geocoder service. I also want to set an appropriate zoom level for the new map but I'm not quite sure how to do it.

After reading,

My plan was to parse the JSON response from the Google Maps API and extract the ExtendedData field.


Then using that I would like to set the bounds of my map accordingly using the MapKit setRegion function.

I started laying out a function to do this, but I'm a little lost on the logic...

- (void) setMapZoomForLocation(CLLocationCoordinate2D location, double north, double south, double east, double west){

    // some fancy math here....

    // set map region
    MKCoordinateRegion region; = location;
    MKCoordinateSpan span;

    // set the span so that the map bounds are correct
    span.latitudeDelta = ???;
    span.longitudeDelta = ???;

    region.span = span;
    [self.mapView setRegion:region animated:YES];

Alternatively, I guess I could just used the Accuracy result from a geocode result to set a sort of default zoom level. I'm just not sure how to compute the equivalent default zoom levels for the various results.
