+1  A: 
import sys

for arg in sys.argv:
  print arg
Loïc Wolff
Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for the code!
+5  A: 
  1. Find out what the dragged file was: http://docs.python.org/library/sys.html#sys.argv
  2. Open it: http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#open
  3. Read it in: http://docs.python.org/library/stdtypes.html#file.read
  4. Post it: http://docs.python.org/library/urllib2.html#urllib2.urlopen
actually, i'm no windows user and thus not entirely sure the file ends up in argv[1], but it probably does.
Perfect. Thanks so much for the links. This'll be a breeze now :)