I looked through a number of posts with similar titles but have not found an answer.
In my application I want to allow editing Active records from an index view. This view uses link_to_remote for each row. When user presses the link the row should be replaced with a form that user may submit via Ajax.
Table is displayed by sending a collection to show_item partial
<% content_tag_for(:tr, show_item) do %>
<td><%=h show_item.name %> </td>
<td><%= show_item.role %></td>
<td><%= link_to_remote 'Edit', :url => edit_participation_path(show_item), :method => :get %> </td>
<% end %>
My controller implements editing as
def edit
@participation = Participation.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
format.js do
render(:update) { |page| page[@participation].replace_html(:partial => "edit_item", :object => @participation ) }
Edit_item partial looks like
<% content_tag_for(:tr, edit_item) do %>
<% form_remote_for edit_item do |f| %>
<td><%= edit_item.name %></td>
<td> <%= f.select(:role, options_for_select(all_roles, edit_item.role)) %> </td>
<td><%= submit_tag 'Update', :class => 'submit' %></td>
<td><%= link_to_remote 'Cancel', :url => participation_path(edit_item) %></td>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Remote calls do go through but they affect the table in an unexpected way. In Firefox pressing the link causes the row to disappear. On the other hand if I use Safari the row is updated but instead of aligning cells with other table rows the entire replaced row is placed to the left of other rows.
Any ideas?