Short version: Where should I store environment-specific IDs? ENV['some-variable']? Somewhere else?
Long version:
Let's say I have a model called Books and a book has a Category. (For the sake of this question, let's say a book only has one category.)
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :books
Now let's say one category is called 'erotica.' And I want to suppress erotica books in my type ahead. That seems straight forward. But in production and in development 'erotica' has a different ID. I don't want my code to be ID dependent. I don't want it to be string dependent (in case 'erotica' is renamed pr0n or whatever).
I think I should have something like
def suppress_method
suppress_category_id = look_up_suppression_id
but where should 'look up' look?