



I'm trying to get back an entry list of leads by status. The query I'm using is "leads.status = 'New'" however when I try this in php, I get back leads of other statuses as well.

    function get_leads_over_x_days($session_id, $days)
        $daysAgo = date("m/d/Y", strtotime($days . ' days ago'));

        $where = "leads.status='New'";

        $package = array(
                            "session" => $session_id,
                            "module_name" => "Leads",
                            "ids" => "",
                            "query" => $where,
                            "order_by" => "",
                            "select_fields" => "",
                            "max_results" => $max_results,
                            "deleted" => 0,

        $result = $this->client->call("get_entry_list", $package);

        if (!$this->is_error($result)) {
            return $result["entry_list"];

Now I have performed the same soap call using SoapUI ( and the records returned are exactly what I expect. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, or if this is a nuSOAP issue.