



I have a fresh install of Magento using MAMP 1.8.4 on OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.4.

I'm unable to load magento/downloader (the Magento Connect Manager) successfully. My browser displays a blank white page. Safari's Activity window tells me it's an Internal Server Error, which tells me my permissions may be incorrect. I have changed all file permissions for the entire magento directory to 777 to test whether the directories/files had sufficient privileges. I'm still unable to load Magento connect (magento/downloader/).

Would setting all files to 777 be a sufficient way to test correct permissions? Anyone encountered this problem before?


Have you checked that your MAMP server meets the requirements, have you turned on PHP error_reporting and scanned the logs for errors? Turned on Magento's logging and developer mode? Try posting the results of those so we can help you.

Jonathan Day
I've begun the process from the beginning. I have downloaded Magento and uncompressed it. When I run magento-check.php inside Magento directory, it tells me that my server does not meet the following requirements: You need MySQL 4.1.2 or greater. Logging into MySQL (/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysql -uroot -p), I'm told that the server version is 5.1.37. Placing a phpinfo.php file in the Magento directory reads the same. It also tells me the PHP version is 5.2.11
Nathan Roberts
I've turned on PHP error_reporting by uncommenting the E_ALL line (240) in the php.ini file located at /Users/shortname/Applications/MAMP/conf/php5/Regardless of the magento-check.php requirement for MySQL not being supposedly met, I can successfully install Magento. I logged into the backend, and before doing anything else, I click on System > Configuration > Developer > Log Settings and set Enabled to Yes. Save Config. Then I created a /var/log directory with permissions set to 755.
Nathan Roberts
Then, in the backend, I click on System > Magento Connect > Magento Connect Manager and immediately get a blank screen. The URL reads: http://localhost:8888/xxx/xxx/magento/downloader/?return=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8888%2Fxxx%2Fxxx%2Fmagento%2Findex.php%2Fadmin%2F/Users/shortname/Applications/MAMP/logs/php_error.log and find about 600 lines of errors that look like this: shows the following: like permission issues. But, I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this information.
Nathan Roberts

The problem was that the include_path in my php.ini file was wrong. The path should be:


I had previously installed the Zend Framework and forgot about it. Part of the setup process of ZF, I believe, is to change or modify your include_path. If I would have erased and re-installed MAMP, it would have solved the problem as well.

Thanks, Jonathan, for your input.

Nathan Roberts
No problem, it often seems to be one of those annoying little config values! If my answer was helpful, feel free to upvote or accept it. Cheers, JD
Jonathan Day