I am trying to install python on windows, and this is my first day on python. Install goes well on windows 7 x64. But almost all scripts fails. I am trying to install celery and running following command on celery folder.
python setup.py build
and it fails, following is an error
File "setup.py", line 40
except ImportError, exc:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
also following fails, which is valid print command i think.
>>> print 'a'
File "<stdin>", line 1
print 'a'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I am sure i am missing something here. Any idea what makes it fail?
Edit: Below is summary of tasks i had to go through to get python working, made notes for myself but putting it here as well if it can help anyone
Install python and celery
-celery does not work with python3, so install latest python2
-install windows install for python2
-add C:\python2X to %PATH%
-set python path for lib
-install setuptools
for x64 install does not work use
python setup.py install
-then can use easy_install
-now just use easy_install to install everything