We have several classic asp web application that instantiates a visual basic 6 component, passes a (possibly huge) xml string, and gets back a (also possibly huge) xml string.
This component is the only way we have to interact with the database.
We are planning to rewrite this component using java. The idea is to left the rest of the asp application untouched.
So we need to execute some java component passing and receiving a string, from classic asp running on an iis...
We are looking for something with the less overhead possible (obviously, I'm trying to avoid having a web service call for each db operation)
which would be the best approach to achieve such a thing?
thanks a lot
this is the code we need to migrate:
Private Function ComandoExecute( Xml )
Dim Comando
Set Comando = Server.CreateObject("TramitesConsultaComando.clsComando")
ComandoExecute = Comando.execute(Xml)
Set Comando = Nothing
End Function
The component is a dll that runs thru com+