Is there a way to retrieve the height (in pixels) taken by the application title and the top bar (the one containing the clock, signal information etc...)
Is there a way to retrieve the height (in pixels) taken by the application title and the top bar (the one containing the clock, signal information etc...)
Create a sample android program. Android would have created a Linearlayout by default in your main.xml for you. Provide an ID to that layout and use it
final LinearLayout ll1=(LinearLayout)findViewById(R.id.ll1);
ll1.post(new Runnable()
public void run()
Rect rect= new Rect();
Window window= getWindow(); ll1.getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame(rect);
int statusBarHeight= rect.top;
Log.e("", "ht of sb bar is "+statusBarHeight);
int contentViewTop= window.findViewById(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT).getTop();
int titleBarHeight= contentViewTop - statusBarHeight;
Log.e("", "ht of title bar is "+titleBarHeight);